Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Taste for Art

I'm not sure what it is about markers. I'm mean I guess I could understand it if they were the berry scented kind or something, but they're not. Whatever it is, Sam loves them. And I don't mean drawing with them, I mean eating them. Here's a photo after a little afternoon snack. Kids are such messy eaters.

Friday, April 20, 2007


I want to say thanks to all of you who have been praying for me and our situation. The past few weeks have been difficult. I guess it is never easy when God is working to crucify your flesh and bring about sanctification. That's really what this has been about. Without a doubt, God placed these struggles in my path to transform me, even though I seemed to fight most of the way. It has been my prayer that God alone would become my comfort and my strength. (Psalm 62:2) Though I am certain there is work left to be done, God has begun a good work in me that He will carry on to completion.

Today I met with Dr. Wright, a physician with Sports Orthopedics and Spine. As you know, I was concerned that my situation at the hospital would jeopardize any hopes to work for them. After he shared their interest in having me come to work, I told him about my situation at Jackson General. He couldn't have been LESS concerned about it. To him, it was a non-issue and they still plan to offer me a contract on Monday. In other words, I WILL have a job. I am certainly thankful. God is continuing to provide for our family, just has He has done over the past two years when I wondered how we would make it.

With that said, continue to pray for me. I do not want the improvement in my circumstances to cause me to find comfort in them . It is still my prayer that God alone will be my comfort and my strength.

Thanks again,

Journal Entry: April 20th, 2007

Over the past 10 days my bondage to fear is being released. There are still moments of anxiety, wondering if and when I will get a job, but they are fewer and further between. Some of it has been because I realize the situation may not be as grim as I originally thought. Some has been because I am learning to trust God more and more. I wish I could say that was my entire reason for feeling better these days.

I do believe God is in contol. And whether or not I am offered a job today when meeting with Dr Wright, things will be alright-more than alright, just as God intends which is the perfect plan.

Father calm my heart and mind this morning. Help me to put all my trust in you and none in my circumstances

Psalm 62:6 He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Missing beauty

Below is an article from Desiring God. I think it is an amazing analogy. How often do we flip quarters at God or ignore Him altogether?:

The Washington Post conducted an experiment to see if beauty could be recognized through the mundane malaise of day-to-day life. They arranged for Joshua Bell, a preeminent violinist, to play incognito in a busy corridor in D.C. one morning--a free concert from a musician who plays a $3.5 million instrument. He had his case open for donations and played the best music most of the workaday passers-by had probably ever heard. To what effect? Virtually none.

The article asks those who come into contact with street musicians: "Do you hurry past with a blend of guilt and irritation, aware of your cupidity but annoyed by the unbidden demand on your time and your wallet? ... Do you have time for beauty? Shouldn't you? What's the moral mathematics of the moment?"

Is it immoral to ignore beauty?

I couldn't help but read it as a parable:

As it happens, exactly one person recognized Bell, and she didn't arrive until near the very end. For Stacy Furukawa, a demographer at the Commerce Department, there was no doubt. She doesn't know much about classical music, but she had been in the audience three weeks earlier, at Bell's free concert at the Library of Congress. And here he was, the international virtuoso, sawing away, begging for money. She had no idea what the heck was going on, but whatever it was, she wasn't about to miss it.

Furukawa positioned herself 10 feet away from Bell, front row, center. She had a huge grin on her face. The grin, and Furukawa, remained planted in that spot until the end.

"It was the most astonishing thing I've ever seen in Washington," Furukawa says. "Joshua Bell was standing there playing at rush hour, and people were not stopping, and not even looking, and some were flipping quarters at him! Quarters! I wouldn't do that to anybody. I was thinking, Omigosh, what kind of a city do I live in that this could happen?" (my emphasis)

She was appalled that anyone would have either the naivete or the gall to condescendingly flip a quarter at one of the world's greatest musicians. She was shocked that something as astoundingly beautiful was so easily disregarded.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

For my fellow coffee lovers

Video soon as I work out some glitches.

Response to Hot Coffee.. "Where to begin?"

Visit Hot Coffee... for the beginning of the discussion:

Good point. I think it vital to demonstrate the gap between our righteousness (in the flesh) and that of our creator God. God is our measuring stick and we must attempt to understand His holiness to see how we fall short. However to complete the picture, we must understand the depth of our depravity to comprehend the grace of God. And I think this is where most people struggle.

As we discussed this morning, many think they are self sufficient. And even though they would not dare say it, many Christians will even believe they are somewhat responsible for their own salvation. (I chose to believe and my neighbor did not, therefore I am to be credited for something). This leads to the pius attitude that can be found in many churches who would rather condemn "sinners" (as if they are not included in that category) than to love them with the gospel.

When we come to understand that depravity is total, we see that all men have an utter dependence on God to obtain the righteousness we need to be in His presence.

Let me pose another question: What would most people say they are being saved from?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dumb random thoughts...

This came to me while blowing bubbles with Zach today. What if bubbles don't really pop, but are actually transported into another dimension when they disappear.

Journal Entry: April 10th, 2007

I thought I would share with you my journal entry from today. Here it goes:

"For the past couple of weeks I hvae been struck with fear and struggling to break free. I have never felt a bondage to fear like this before. At times, I have even doubted the existence of God. The fear comes from a lack of faith that God will provide. But, how can I be so blind."

"I reflected on my past entries today. I was struck by my works on Feb. 1st, 2005. I remember how it felt to wonder how God could provide in such circumstances. But He has and is!"

"Right now God is cutting away my flesh, my self-sufficency. It is painful, very painful. But I shouldn't focus on 'what if' , but on 'what is'. God is soverign, He is gracious, He is loving, He keeps His promises, and He promises to work out all things for my good if I love Him."

"Father help me to be thankful for this time. Remove my fear and replace it with trust, but continue to cut away my flesh until none is left. Have me continue in Your strength and not my own."